Figure_6.tif (2.11 MB)

TEM demonstrate perinuclear degradation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and mitochondria degradation with I/R.

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posted on 2014-04-14, 04:04 authored by Junying Zheng, Chih-Chang Wei, Naoki Hase, Ke Shi, Cheryl R. Killingsworth, Silvio H. Litovsky, Pamela C. Powell, Tsunefumi Kobayashi, Carlos M. Ferrario, Andras Rab, Inmaculada Aban, James F. Collawn, Louis J. Dell'Italia

TEM images demonstrate tightly packed distribution of perinuclear mitochondria (a) and at higher magnification the location of ER (b, white arrow head). Middle panels (c and d) demonstrate the perinuclear vacuole that is also present by immunohistochemistry in Figure 3d–f, demonstrating breakdown of perinuclear mitochondria and ER (white arrow head). Lower panels (e and f) demonstrate that degradation of ER and mitochondria are prevented by CI pretreatment. Nu: nucleus; mt: mitochondria
