Figure_5.tif (1.55 MB)

Super-resolution microscopy of synaptonemal complexes on spreads of (B6.PWD-Chr X.1s×PWD) pachytene spermatocytes.

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posted on 2014-02-06, 10:24 authored by Tanmoy Bhattacharyya, Radka Reifová, Soňa Gregorová, Petr SimecekPetr Simecek, Vaclav Gergelits, Martin Mistrik, Iva Martincova, Jaroslav Piálek, Jiri Forejt

(A) Detail of a pachytene spermatocyte of a sterile male immunostained by SYCP3 (red) and SYCP1 (green) antibodies. Properly synapsed bivalents (arrows) show two parallel threads of transverse filaments decorated by SYCP1 antibody which form the central region embedded in SYCP3 lateral elements. Unsynapsed chromosomes lack transverse filaments but display some irregular SYCP1 spots (arrowheads). (B) Example of a nonhomologous pairing and/or translocations, and asynapsis in pachynema of (B6.Chr X.1s×PWD)F1 sterile male. Bar 2000 nM.
