Table_2.xls (5.5 kB)

Sex-dependent average tannic acid (TA) concentration [mg eqTA g−1 FB] per cladode.

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posted on 2014-03-05, 03:24 authored by Mariusz Krzysztof Janczur, Héctor Javier León Solano, Lupita Tzenyatze Solache Rámos, Citlalli Hypatia Mendoza Reyes, María del Carmen Oro Cerro, María Dolores Mariezcurrena Berasain, Irma Victoria Rivas Manzano, Javier Manjarrez, José Luis Villareal Benitez, Marcin Czarnoleski

The factor “Plant” nested in the factor “Sex” was considered a random effect and the remaining factors as fixed effects. GLM results for plants bearing parental and empty cladodes. Female parental cladodes contained a higher concentration than hermaphrodites by 2.3 mg eqTA g−1 FB (41%).
