Fig_2.tif (470.56 kB)

Sensitivity of LFA for detection of purified poly-γ-D-glutamic acid (PGA) in pooled normal rabbit plasma and human serum.

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posted on 2015-05-05, 03:18 authored by Marcellene A. Gates-Hollingsworth, Mark R. Perry, Hongjing Chen, James Needham, Raymond L. Houghton, Syamal Raychaudhuri, Mark A. Hubbard, Thomas R. Kozel

The top line is a control indicating proper flow of the lateral flow device. The bottom line is the test line for detection of PGA. Results of visual evaluation by four individuals are reported as negative (-) or positive (+) below each assay; (*) denotes a result that was considered weak, but still deemed positive by at least 3 out of 4 evaluators.
