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Secretion of TGFβig-h3 is stimulated by chemerin and IGF.

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posted on 2015-10-29, 03:25 authored by J. Dinesh Kumar, Chris Holmberg, Silvia Balabanova, Lyudmyla Borysova, Ted Burdyga, Robert Beynon, Graham J. Dockray, Andrea Varro

A. Western blot analysis of TGFβig-h3 in media from MSC cells shows stimulation by chemerin and IGF-II and inhibition by CCX832 and AG1042, respectively. B. Stimulated secretion of TGFβig-h3 is maintained after cycloheximide treatment. TGFβig-h3 abundance in cell extracts was unchanged (middle panel); GAPDH was used as a loading control for the cell extracts (bottom panel). C. The calcium ionophore, ionomycin (1μM) stimulated TGFβig-h3 secretion comparable to IGF-I ( and IGF-II ( D. In calcium-free medium stimulated secretion in response to IGF-II is inhibited.
