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Score and loading plots of principal component analysis of plasma metabolome CE-MS data.

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posted on 2015-03-20, 04:01 authored by Satoshi Kume, Masanori Yamato, Yasuhisa Tamura, Guanghua Jin, Masayuki Nakano, Yukiharu Miyashige, Asami Eguchi, Yoshiyuki Ogata, Nobuhito Goda, Kazuhiro Iwai, Emi Yamano, Yasuyoshi Watanabe, Tomoyoshi Soga, Yosky Kataoka

(A) PCA score plot of PC2 versus PC1. The control group (n = 5), food-restricted group (n = 5), and fatigued group (n = 5) are shown as black, green, and red circles, respectively. Black ellipses represent the 90% confidence intervals for each group. (B) PCA loading plot of PC2 versus PC1. The data were analyzed after being mean-centered and variance scaled.
