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Schematic of the proposed mechanism of lactate effects on T cells in the inflammatory site.

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posted on 2015-07-16, 03:41 authored by Robert Haas, Joanne Smith, Vidalba Rocher-Ros, Suchita Nadkarni, Trinidad Montero-Melendez, Fulvio D’Acquisto, Elliot J. Bland, Michele Bombardieri, Costantino Pitzalis, Mauro Perretti, Federica M. Marelli-Berg, Claudio Mauro

(A) The motility of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells is blocked once they get exposed to elevated levels of lactate in the inflammatory site. Lactic acid also causes loss of cytolytic activity by CD8+ T cells, and sodium lactate promotes the production of IL-17 by CD4+ T cells. (B) Pharmacologic targeting of lactate transporters re-establish T cell migration away from the inflammatory site and block the production of high amounts of IL-17.
