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Schematic distribution of the conserved motifs in soybean GATA factors by MEME.

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posted on 2015-04-17, 02:46 authored by Chanjuan Zhang, Yuqing Hou, Qingnan Hao, Haifeng Chen, Limiao Chen, Songli Yuan, Zhihui Shan, Xiaojuan Zhang, Zhonglu Yang, Dezhen Qiu, Xinan Zhou, Wenjun Huang

Each numbered box represents a conserved motif in the protein. Motifs 1 and 4 represent the conserved GATA zinc finger motifs CX2CX18CX2 and CX2CX20CX2, respectively. Multilevel consensus sequences for the MEME-defined motifs are listed in S5 Table. The length of the protein can be estimated using the scale at the bottom.
