Fig_9.tif (681.32 kB)

Schematic diagram of protection mechanism of EGCG in cisplatin induced kidney injury.

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posted on 2015-04-15, 04:20 authored by Hao Pan, Jun Chen, Kezhen Shen, Xueping Wang, Ping Wang, Guanghou Fu, Hongzhou Meng, Yimin Wang, Baiye Jin

EGCG inhibit cisplatin induced mitochondrial ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) in the renal tubular cells which caused cell death. Cell death in the tubular cells leads to pro-inflammatory response with cytokines (TNFα and IL1β). These process leads to leukocytes infiltration with additional burst of oxidative stress. EGCG also neutralize these pro-inflammatory cytokines. All combinatorial effects leads to reduced inflammation and cell death, thus protecting against cisplatin induced kidney injury.
