Figure_1.tif (998.45 kB)

Schematic diagram of deleted genes in WS and in partial deletion participants (AWSdel).

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posted on 2014-08-08, 03:22 authored by Fumiko Hoeft, Li Dai, Brian W. Haas, Kristen Sheau, Masaru Mimura, Debra Mills, Albert Galaburda, Ursula Bellugi, Julie R. Korenberg, Allan L. Reiss

Genes listed in the figure are either ones known to be expressed in the brain and are important for neurodevelopment, synaptic plasticity and neuronal reorganization: LIMK1 [54], FZD9 [55], STX1A [56], CYLN2 [57], GTF2 I[58] and GTF2IRD1 [59], or are break-points.
