Figure_8.tif (709.2 kB)

Root mean square error (RMSE) and relative RMSE (RRMSE) values of apparent reflectance as a function of the wavelength for targets H1–H4 and M1–M15.

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posted on 2013-06-12, 02:14 authored by Si-Bo Duan, Zhao-Liang Li, Bo-Hui Tang, Hua Wu, Lingling Ma, Enyu Zhao, Chuanrong Li

A: RMSE and RRMSE values between the apparent reflectance and the simulated at-sensor reflectance for targets H1–H4 and M1–M15 in bands 13–108. B: Same as Figure 8A, but the apparent reflectance greater than 0.45 in bands 13–108 has been discarded due to the non-linear response of the UAV-HYPER sensor.
