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Relative mRNA expression of LXRs and related-gene obtained from PBMCs of NAFLD/NASH and CHC patients, after NLCD.

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posted on 2014-12-22, 02:57 authored by Roberta Maggio, Carmela Viscomi, Paola Andreozzi, Gabriella D'Ettorre, Giovanni Viscogliosi, Barbara Barbaro, Manuele Gori, Vincenzo Vullo, Clara Balsano

In CHC patients, after NLCD, we observed highly significant changes in LXRα, LXRβ and ABCA-1 mRNA levels, respect to before NLCD (A). No significant changes were observed in NAFLD/NASH patients after NLCD (B). Data are expressed as mean ±SD; all samples were assessed in triplicate. Error bars illustrate SD. *P<0.05; **P<0.01.
