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Regions associated at P<5×10−5 with early-onset BD in meta-analysis.

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posted on 2014-08-11, 03:27 authored by Stéphane Jamain, Sven Cichon, Bruno Etain, Thomas W. Mühleisen, Alexander Georgi, Nora Zidane, Lucie Chevallier, Jasmine Deshommes, Aude Nicolas, Annabelle Henrion, Franziska Degenhardt, Manuel Mattheisen, Lutz Priebe, Flavie Mathieu, Jean-Pierre Kahn, Chantal Henry, Anne Boland, Diana Zelenika, Ivo Gut, Simon Heath, Mark Lathrop, Wolfgang Maier, Margot Albus, Marcella Rietschel, Thomas G. Schulze, Francis J. McMahon, John R. Kelsoe, Marian Hamshere, Nicholas Craddock, Markus M. Nöthen, Frank Bellivier, Marion Leboyer

OR, odds ratio; Q, P-value for Cochrane's Q statistic; I2, heterogeneity index.


position from the short arm telomere based on Hg18.
