Fig_4.tif (124.23 kB)

Receiver-operating characteristic curves of the combination of baseline arterial sRAGE, esRAGE, HMGB1, S100A12 and esRAGE in differentiating between the presence and absence of nonfocal loss-of-aeration in computed tomography scan morphology studies on day 0 in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.

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posted on 2015-08-14, 04:05 authored by Matthieu Jabaudon, Raiko Blondonnet, Laurence Roszyk, Bruno Pereira, Renaud Guérin, Sébastien Perbet, Sophie Cayot, Damien Bouvier, Loic Blanchon, Vincent Sapin, Jean-Michel Constantin

Receiver-operating characteristic curves of the combination of baseline arterial sRAGE, esRAGE, HMGB1, S100A12 and esRAGE in differentiating between the presence and absence of nonfocal loss-of-aeration in computed tomography scan morphology studies on day 0 in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
