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Reactivity of scFv-ST recombinant antibody against ST toxin.

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posted on 2015-07-08, 03:23 authored by Christiane Y. Ozaki, Caio R. F. Silveira, Fernanda B. Andrade, Roberto Nepomuceno, Anderson Silva, Danielle D. Munhoz, Bruno B. Yamamoto, Daniela Luz, Patrícia A. E. Abreu, Denise S. P. Q. Horton, Waldir P. Elias, Oscar H. P. Ramos, Roxane M. F. Piazza

(A) PVDF membranes containing the bacterial lysates fractions after PAGE 10%/tricine gel was subjected to immunoblotting with antibodies. 1. 30 μg/mL of scFv-ST. 2. 30 μg/mL anti-ST mAb. (B) Immunofluorescence assay after ST interaction with Caco-2 cells. Panel 1. Reactivity with scFv-ST; Panel 2. Reactivity with anti-ST mAb. Panel 3. Reactivity with scFv-ST in the absence of ST toxin. Panel 4. Light microscopy. (C) scFv-ST titration with ST toxin by indirect ELISA. (D) Detection of ST in culture supernatants of ST- and LT/ST-producing ETEC isolates by indirect ELISA.
