Table_1.xls (5.5 kB)

Presence, size, and number of intracerebral hemorrhages of the brain.

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posted on 2015-08-31, 03:22 authored by Dong Hyun Yoo, Sang Woo Song, Tae Jin Yun, Tae Min Kim, Se-Hoon Lee, Ji-Hoon Kim, Chul-Ho Sohn, Sung-Hye Park, Chul-Kee Park, Il Han Kim, Seung Hong Choi

* Based on 48 patients for whom MR image data were available 7 years after brain radiation.

If a patient had more than one hemorrhage, the one with the largest diameter was measured.

Numbers of hemorrhages in one patients

Presence, size, and number of intracerebral hemorrhages of the brain.
