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Polyp number and volume in the colon, cecum, and small intestine.

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posted on 2015-07-17, 03:10 authored by Tatsunari Sasada, Takao Hinoi, Yasufumi Saito, Tomohiro Adachi, Yuji Takakura, Yasuo Kawaguchi, Yusuke Sotomaru, Kazuhiro Sentani, Naohide Oue, Wataru Yasui, Hideki Ohdan

A greater number of polyps was detected in the colon than in the ileum of the chlorinated water group (black columns), whereas more polyps occurred in the small intestine in the tap water group (white columns). Polyp volume was correlated with polyp number, and colon polyp volume differed significantly between the two groups. ch; chlorinated water group, ta; tap water group. *P < 0.05 (Student’s t test).
