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Periodic table of global warming potentials (GWPs).

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posted on 2014-07-07, 02:51 authored by Philip Nuss, Matthew J. Eckelman

(A) The cradle-to-gate GWP per kilogram of each element (kg CO2-eq per kg) colored according to the color ramp above. GWPs shown are weighted by the 2008 supply mix for each element (see Table S38 in Supporting Information S1). (B) Illustration of the Pb-Zn system as an example of a joint production scheme (red color) from which Ge, Ag, Cd, In, Tl, and Bi are recovered as co- or by-products. (C) Uncertainty estimates (95% confidence interval) for the elements of the Pb-Zn system were derived using Monte-Carlo analysis.
