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PDI co-precipitates with TDP-43 and is increased in mutant TDP-43 transgenic mouse spinal cords.

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posted on 2013-11-29, 03:16 authored by Adam K. Walker, Kai Y. Soo, Vinod Sundaramoorthy, Sonam Parakh, Yi Ma, Manal A. Farg, Robyn H. Wallace, Peter J. Crouch, Bradley J. Turner, Malcolm K. Horne, Julie D. Atkin

(A) Co-immunoprecipitation of wildtype and mutant Q331K TDP-43-mCherry from Neuro2a cell lysates using an anti-PDI antibody followed by TDP-43 immunoblot. Control immunoprecipitations were performed using untransfected (Untrans) or mCherry expressing cell lysates, buffer only with coprecipitating antibodies or TDP-43 Q331K cell lysates using an irrelevant, isotype-matched control antibody (IgG). Input control (2%) shows expression of mCherry-TDP43 in wildtype and Q331K cell lysates. (B) Co-immunoprecipitation of PDI-V5 from wildype and mutant A315T and Q331K TDP-43-mCherry from HEK293T cell lysates using an anti-RFP antibody to precipitate mCherry followed by TDP-43 and V5 immunoblot. Control immunoprecipitations were performed using Untrans cell lysates or mCherry and PDI-V5 expressing cell lysates, buffer only with coprecipitating antibody or Q331K TDP-43 and PDI-V5 co-transfected cell lysates using an irrelevant, isotype-matched control antibody (IgG). Input control shows expression of PDI-V5, TDP-43-mCherry and endogenous (End.) TDP-43. Approximate molecular weight markers are shown on the right, and representative images are shown. (C) Proteins were extracted from spinal cords of three mutant A315T TDP-43 transgenic mice and three litter-matched non-transgenic controls, and immunoblotting was performed for PDI, FLAG-TDP-43 (detected using antibody against FLAG), and β-actin. (D) Quantification of PDI levels from immunoblots normalised to β-actin by densitometry. Data represent mean normalised values from three independent analyses and are shown as mean ± SEM. *p<0.05 versus non-transgenic controls by unpaired two-tailed t-test. (E) Immunohistochemistry for TDP-43 and PDI in non-transgenic and A315T mutant TDP-43 mouse spinal cords. Cells were immunostained for TDP-43 (first column, green), PDI (second column, red), and were stained using To-Pro to identify nuclei (third column, blue). Merged images (fourth column) are also shown. Increased co-localisation of PDI with TDP-43 is seen in A315T animals compared to non-transgenic controls (Non-trans). All scale bars represent 10 µm. (F) Quantification of the percentage of motor neurons in which PDI and TDP-43 were co-localised. A total of 60 cells per group were counted, and data represent mean values from two mice per group.


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