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Ortholog hit ratio (OHR) analysis of assembled transcripts in the P. tepidariorum transcriptome.

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posted on 2014-08-13, 04:44 authored by Nico Posnien, Victor Zeng, Evelyn E. Schwager, Matthias Pechmann, Maarten Hilbrant, Joseph D. Keefe, Wim G. M. Damen, Nikola-Michael Prpic, Alistair P. McGregor, Cassandra G. Extavour

An OHR of one suggests that a transcript has been assembled to its true full length. BLAST was used to compare the final spider assembly with the D. melanogaster and the I. scapularis gene set, respectively. A The OHR analysis for final assembly shows that more than 25% and nearly 40% of all transcripts have an OHR of 0.8 compared to Drosophila and Ixodes respectively. Note that the percentages given above the brackets are based on the final assembly. The data for the 10% subassembly is shown only as comparison. B The OHR analysis shows that the use of more Illumina reads for the assembly resulted in more transcripts with low OHR. This effect is due to the assembly of more very short transcripts (see also Fig. 6). Note that the percentages given above the brackets are based on the 10% subassembly.
