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Oligomeric state of YukE.

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posted on 2013-07-04, 02:44 authored by Catarina Baptista, Hugo Condessa Barreto, Carlos São-José

A. Purified YukE-His6 from the affinity chromatography step was loaded into a size exclusion column (see methods) and the eluted material was continuously monitored by taking absorbance measurements at 280 nm (A280 nm). The elution volume (ml) of the YukE-His6 peak (solid curve) and the derived Stokes radius (Rs) and relative mass (Mr) are indicated. Note that the mass was estimated assuming that YukE-His6 has the same hydrodynamic properties of the globular polypeptides composing the protein standard (dashed curve). The column void volume (V0), the elution volume of standard proteins and their corresponding masses are also indicated. B. SDS-PAGE and Coomassie blue staining of YukE-His6 from the peak fraction of the size exclusion chromatography. C. Modeling of the YukE subunit 3D structure by Phyre2 (97% YukE sequence coverage, 99.8% confidence, template = GBS1074). D,E. In vitro cross-linking of YukE. Two concentration sets of purified YukE-His6, from 84 to 20 µM (D) and from 10.3 to 0.4 µM (E) were incubated in the presence or absence of the cross-linking agent BS3. After SDS-PAGE separation (D, 2 µg protein per lane; E, 50 ng protein per lane), the cross-linking products were revealed by Coomassie blue staining (D) or by immunodetection with anti-YukE-His6 antibodies (E). F. In vivo YukE cross-linking. YukE present in a concentrated culture supernatant of strain W654 (2.5 µg total protein, see methods for details) was cross-linked in presence of 1 or 5 mM BS3 and the cross-linked products detected with anti-YukE-His6 as in panel E.
