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NK cell number and frequency in IFNAR deficient mice.

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posted on 2014-10-21, 04:01 authored by Jean Guan, S. M. Shahjahan Miah, Zachary S. Wilson, Timothy K. Erick, Cindy Banh, Laurent Brossay

(A) Percentages of the indicated organs containing NK cell (NK1.1+CD3 in the lymphocyte gate) populations in the indicated organs from wild-type littermate (black circles), and IFNAR deficient mice (open circles). Data are pooled from at least 5 independent experiments and each dot represents data obtained from one mouse; horizontal lines indicate the mean. (B) Total NK cell numbers of the indicated organs. Data are pooled from at least 5 independent experiments and each dot represents data obtained from one mouse; horizontal lines indicate the mean.
