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Morphology of presumptive TE cells under feeder and feeder-free conditions.

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posted on 2015-06-08, 03:20 authored by Sushil Kumar Mohapatra, Anjit Sandhu, Karn Pratap Singh, Suresh Kumar Singla, Manmohan Singh Chauhan, Radheysham Manik, Prabhat Palta

Growth of IVF-derived trophoblast cells under (A) feeder and (B) feeder-free conditions. Subculture of trophoblast cells under feeder-free conditions led to development of vesicles of 100–500 μm diameter, which get dissociated (C). Following subculture, the trophoblast cells formed confluent monolayer on feeder layer (D) and dome shaped colonies under feeder-free conditions (E). Scale bar = 500 μm. Single dome observed under 100X (F). Scale bar = 100 μm.
