Fig_4.tif (386.27 kB)

Measurement of cellular impedance in FlpIn-TREx-HEK293-mGPRC6A cells.

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posted on 2016-01-28, 12:37 authored by Patricia Rueda, Elizabeth Harley, Yao Lu, Gregory D. Stewart, Stewart Fabb, Natalie Diepenhorst, Béatrice Cremers, Marie-Hélène Rouillon, Isabelle Wehrle, Anne Géant, Gwladys Lamarche, Katie Leach, William N. Charman, Arthur Christopoulos, Roger J. Summers, Patrick M. Sexton, Christopher J. Langmead

(A) ATP (acting via endogenous P2Y receptors) increases cellular impedance in both tetracycline-induced and un-induced FlpIn-TREx-HEK293-mGPRC6A cells, whereas (B) L-ornithine increases cellular impedance only in tetracycline-induced cells. (C) Bovine OCN did not change cell impedance in either induced or un-induced FlpIn-TREx-HEK293-mGPRC6A cells. A similar lack of effect was shown for other OCN variants (data not shown).
