Fig_3.tif (274.45 kB)

Mean percentage values of gamete stages of Orbicella annularis during gametogenesis.

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posted on 2015-02-06, 05:28 authored by Neidy P. Cetz-Navarro, Eugenio J. Carpizo-Ituarte, Julio Espinoza-Avalos, Guillermina Chee-Barragán

A) Gamete stages found in May, the beginning of gametogenesis: Stage I oocytes (SI o) + Stage II oocytes (SII o) = 100%, and B) gamete stages found in August, the end of gametogenesis: Stage IV oocytes (SIV o) + Stage V oocytes (SV o) + Stage III spermaries (SIII s) + Stage IV spermaries (SIV s) = 100%. Treatments: T1) ramets with long-term removal of FTA, T2) ramets with short-term removal of FTA, T3) control ramets always surrounded by FTA, and T4) control ramets always surrounded by CCA. Lower-case letters (a-b for May, and a-b and c-d for August) above pair of bars indicate treatments that were significantly different (P ≤ 0.005). n = 7 collected ramets per treatment on each date.
