Fig_1.tif (925.72 kB)

Log-transformed arterial, central venous and alveolar levels of sRAGE (in pg/ml), esRAGE (in ng/ml), HMGB1 (in ng/ml), S100A12 (in pg/ml) and AGEs (in μg/ml) in patients with ARDS (black bars) and controls over time (grey bars).

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posted on 2015-08-14, 04:05 authored by Matthieu Jabaudon, Raiko Blondonnet, Laurence Roszyk, Bruno Pereira, Renaud Guérin, Sébastien Perbet, Sophie Cayot, Damien Bouvier, Loic Blanchon, Vincent Sapin, Jean-Michel Constantin

D0H0: inclusion; D0H4: 4 hours after inclusion; D3: day 3; D6: day 6). Values are reported as means±standard deviations. *P<0.05 between groups).
