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Light-sheet microscope (LSFM) setup and shadow suppression.

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posted on 2015-05-20, 03:16 authored by Martin K. Schwarz, Annemarie Scherbarth, Rolf Sprengel, Johann Engelhardt, Patrick Theer, Guenter Giese

(A) Beam path for light sheet-generation / fluorescence excitation (blue: left panels, top views) and for fluorescence excitation (blue) and detection (green) (right panel, side view). Scanner 1 generates the light sheet, while scanner 2 controls the illumination angle rotation. During recording, both scanners are active simultaneously. (B, C) Suppression of shadow stripes by scanner 2. Single xy-plane Venus FP fluorescence images from a fluorescent mouse brain prepared from a TgY5RitTA⁄Y1RVenus [39] mouse at P13, cleared with the 1P-BABB method and recorded with our LSFM (excitation. 514 nm; emission, bandpass 520–550 nm) demonstrate the effect of scanner 2 that rotates the light sheet (for technical details, see Fig 3A). (B) scanner 1 ON, scanner 2 OFF; (C) both scanners ON. Illumination from lateral side of left hemisphere (from top of panels), imaging from dorsal (from viewer’s direction). Scale bar, 1 mm.
