Figure_2.tif (3.15 MB)

Land use map of the Sangong river basin and its oases in 1982 and 2005 (1, Farmland; 2, planted forest; 3, shrub land; 4, grassland; 5, construction land; 6, reservoir/flood land; 7, saline alkali land; 8, bald land).

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posted on 2013-07-10, 02:20 authored by Xiaoyu Li, Yugang Wang, Lijuan Liu, Geping Luo, Yan Li, Xi Chen

Land use map of the Sangong river basin and its oases in 1982 and 2005 (1, Farmland; 2, planted forest; 3, shrub land; 4, grassland; 5, construction land; 6, reservoir/flood land; 7, saline alkali land; 8, bald land).
