Figure_6.tif (597.22 kB)

Lack of ISA27 toxicity in an in vitro human cell model (lymphomonocytes).

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posted on 2013-08-19, 03:55 authored by Barbara Costa, Sara Bendinelli, Pamela Gabelloni, Eleonora Da Pozzo, Simona Daniele, Fabrizio Scatena, Renato Vanacore, Pietro Campiglia, Alessia Bertamino, Isabel Gomez-Monterrey, Daniela Sorriento, Carmine Del Giudice, Guido Iaccarino, Ettore Novellino, Claudia Martini

6A) Scatter cytogram analysis of cell populations from peripheral blood: Scatter cytogram analysis showing cell separation by size and granularity (G2 = lymphocytes; G3 = monocytes). One representative experiment is presented. 6B) Time-response of human lymphomonocyte viability following ISA27 treatment: lymphomonocytes were treated with 2.5 µM ISA27 or 10 µM Nutlin-3 for 12, 24 and 48 h. The figure shows the viable cells and dead cells counted by Trypan blue exclusion at the indicated times. Data represent the means of three independent experiments performed in duplicate; bars, SEM. No significant differences were observed between MDM2 inhibitor-treated and untreated-control viable or dead cells at each incubation time.
