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Intermediate clinical phenotype associations.

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posted on 2015-06-18, 04:43 authored by Jörg Bartel, Jan Krumsiek, Katharina Schramm, Jerzy Adamski, Christian Gieger, Christian Herder, Maren Carstensen, Annette Peters, Wolfgang Rathmann, Michael Roden, Konstantin Strauch, Karsten Suhre, Gabi Kastenmüller, Holger Prokisch, Fabian J. Theis

Linear regression results of TG, HDL and LDL for each metabolite and transcript (A, C, E), or pathway and GO term (B, D, F) were projected onto the respective networks. Blue colors indicate negative associations, while red colors represent positive associations to the respective phenotype. Color strength of the nodes encodes the-log10 p-value of the respective association. β denotes the regression coefficient and its sign represents the direction of the associations (positive or negative correlation).
