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Inhibitory effect of POMC siRNA on the expression of CYP17A1 and CYP21A2 promoted by GIP.

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posted on 2014-10-21, 03:35 authored by Hiroko Fujii, Mimi Tamamori-Adachi, Kousuke Uchida, Takao Susa, Takashi Nakakura, Haruo Hagiwara, Masayoshi Iizuka, Hiroko Okinaga, Yuji Tanaka, Tomoki Okazaki

H295R cells were treated and fixed as in Figure 5B. (A) Immunostaining for CYP17A1. Red staining shows the anti-CYP17A1 antibody, green staining shows the anti-FLAG antibody and blue staining shows DAPI (cell nuclei). (B) Immunostaining for CYP21A2. Red staining shows the anti-CYP21A2 antibody, green staining shows the anti-FLAG antibody and blue staining shows DAPI (cell nuclei). Scale bars represent 100 µm.
