Figure 1.TIF (426.4 kB)

Individual contributions of miRNAs to discrimination between patients with cancers or other diseases and normal controls.

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posted on 2013-06-24, 03:56 authored by Y-h. Taguchi, Yoshiki Murakami

The height of the bars indicates the amount of contribution from each miRNA in discriminating patients with cancers or other diseases from healthy controls. A positive (negative) value indicates that the miRNA was expressed in patients with cancer and other diseases (healthy controls). The order of cancers or other diseases is the same as that in Table 2 (top to bottom): lung cancer (black), other pancreatic tumors and diseases (red), pancreatitis (green), ovarian cancer (blue), COPD (cyan), ductal pancreatic cancer (pink), gastric cancer (yellow), sarcoidosis (grey), prostate cancer (black), acute myocardial infarction (red), periodontitis (green), multiple sclerosis (blue), melanoma (cyan), and Wilm’s tumor (pink).
