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Increased hydrophobicity of hSOD1 can be inhibited by a subset of hSOD1 specific HuMabs.

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posted on 2013-04-17, 01:18 authored by Teresa J. Broering, Hongyan Wang, Naomi K. Boatright, Yang Wang, Katherine Baptista, Gilda Shayan, Kerry A. Garrity, Can Kayatekin, Daryl A. Bosco, C. Robert Matthews, Donna M. Ambrosino, Zuoshang Xu, Gregory J. Babcock

(A) hSOD1-G85R, hSOD1-G93A, various hSOD1-specific HuMabs, and an irrelevant isotype-matched antibody (IR Mab) were separately incubated with 5 mM EDTA at room temperature (RT) or 45°C for 4 hrs. Hydrophobicity was measured with ANS dye fluorescence using a Victor 3 plate reader at 390 nm excitation and 460 nm emission and is reported as the fold change in relative fluorescence units from RT to 45°C. hSOD1-G85R (B) and hSOD1-G93A (C) were mixed with irrelevant antibody or various HuMabs with 5 mM EDTA and incubated at RT or 45°C for 4 hrs. Hydrophobicity was measured as indicated above. The mean of replicates is noted with a thick black bar with the standard deviation indicated. Samples with insufficient material for replicates are indicated with the single data point as a thick grey bar. Statistical significant differences from irrelevant antibody were determined using a Student’s t-test with P<0.01 (***), <0.05 (**), and <0.10 (*) indicated above the black bar for each sample.
