Fig_7.tif (541.51 kB)

In the left panels, scatter plots showing ethambutol exposure vs. patient age.

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posted on 2015-10-26, 03:01 authored by Paolo Denti, Kidola Jeremiah, Emmanuel Chigutsa, Daniel Faurholt-Jepsen, George PrayGod, Nyagosya Range, Sandra Castel, Lubbe Wiesner, Christian Munch Hagen, Michael Christiansen, John Changalucha, Helen McIlleron, Henrik Friis, Aase Bengaard Andersen

In the right small panels, box and whiskers plots summarizing the same values. The top panels refer to AUC0-24 and the bottom panels to Cmax. For all patients for whom 2 PK profiles were available, geometric mean was used to obtain summary values.
