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Immunocytochemical localization for relative quantification of xenobiotics induced alteration in protein expression of CYP1A1 in SH-SY5Y and U373-MG cells.

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posted on 2014-03-24, 03:01 authored by Vinay K. Tripathi, Vivek Kumar, Abhishek K. Singh, Mahendra P. Kashyap, Sadaf Jahan, Ankita Pandey, Sarfaraz Alam, Feroz Khan, Vinay K. Khanna, Sanjay Yadav, Mohtshim Lohani, Aditya B. Pant

Changes in % area of expression of CYP1A1 protein in SH-SY5Y cells (A) and U373-MG cells (B) following the exposure of 3-MC (12–96 h), MCP (24–96 h) and 3-MC (12 h) then MCP (24–96 h) groups. Data are expressed in mean ± SE of percent area of expression in the snapped microscopic fields. A minimum of 20 microscopic fields were snapped for each group. ** = p<0.01 in comparison to respective unexposed controls; while, ## = p<0.01 in comparison to 3-MC (12 h) exposure respectively. Bar indicated in figures = 50 µm.
