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Illustrating different central tendency statistics.

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posted on 2014-12-03, 02:44 authored by Robert J. Ellis, Zhiyan Duan, Ye Wang

(A) A hypothetical IBeI series comprised of three distinct tempo sections: 20 IBeIs with a mean of 0.5 s (i.e., 120 bpm), followed by 20 IBeIs with a mean of 0.75 s (80 bpm), followed by 40 IBeIs with a mean of 1.00 s (60 bpm). The mean, median, and mode of the data fail to provide an adequate measure of central tendency. (B) Kernel density estimation (KDE) of the distribution of IBeI values in Figure 1A, using various bandwidth values. The most accurate measure of central tendency was obtained using adaptive Gaussian KDE [90], [91].
