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IPA upstream regulator analysis of proteomic data under ethanol and CYP2E1 knockout plus ethanol conditions.

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posted on 2014-03-21, 02:50 authored by Yuan Wang, Yan Kou, Xiaodong Wang, Arthur Cederbaum, Rong Wang

Networks and predicted upstream regulators assigned by IPA of differentially expressed proteins in ethanol condition (A) and CYP2E1 knockout plus ethanol condition (B). Symbols of target proteins in red color indicated the increase while in green color indicated the decrease in abundance. Symbol of upstream regulators in orange color indicated the predicted activation while in blue color indicated the predicted inhibition in confidence. The color intensity corresponds to the degree of significance. Proteins in white are those identified through the IPA Knowledge Base. Solid line indicates a direct molecular interaction, and a dashed line indicates an indirect molecular interaction. The orange, blue, yellow and gray lines indicated the predicted relationships as leading to activation, inhibition, finding inconsistent with state of downstream molecule, and effects not predicted, respectively. The symbol shapes denoted the molecular classes of the proteins. Western blot analysis of PPARa, ACOX1 and NRF2 (C, D). All values presented as the mean ±SD of the four mice in each group that have been normalized to β-actin and relative to control mice (Dextrose diet, wild-type, male mice). CON, control; KO, CYP2E1 knockout; E, ethanol. *p<0.05 and **p<0.01.
