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IL-10 deprivation abolished G-1-induced improvement of inflammatory cell accumulation in the lung.

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posted on 2015-03-31, 03:49 authored by Masamichi Itoga, Yasunori Konno, Yuki Moritoki, Yukiko Saito, Wataru Ito, Mami Tamaki, Yoshiki Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Kayaba, Yuta Kikuchi, Junichi Chihara, Masahide Takeda, Shigeharu Ueki, Makoto Hirokawa

A: H&E staining (original magnification: x40 and x400, upper panels) and PAS staining (x400, lower left panel) and MT staining (x400, lower right panel) of serial lung sections. B: Quantified data of inflammatory cell accumulation, histologically examined in H&E–stained lung tissue, as described in Materials and Methods. C: Inflammatory cell accumulation in BAL fluid. Values are expressed as the mean ± SEM for G-1-treated mice (n = 6) and non-treated controls (n = 7).
