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Hypothetical life cycle of Pseudocercospora ulei.

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posted on 2014-08-15, 03:32 authored by Braz Tavares da Hora Júnior, Davi Mesquita de Macedo, Robert Weingart Barreto, Harry C. Evans, Carlos Raimundo Reis Mattos, Luiz Antonio Maffia, Eduardo S. G. Mizubuti

A. Asexual morph with conidiophores and conidia (Bar =  35µm) and conidiogenous cells with conidia at different stages of conidial formation. Pictures: Lesions to which the asexual morph is associated (left) and close-up of leaf bearing typical lesions (right). B. Spermogonial morph with stroma, spermogonia (Bar =  30 µm) and spermatia (Bar =  7 µm). Pictures: Lesions to which the spermogonial morph is associated (left), and close-up of the same lesions (right). C. Sexual morph with stroma, pseudothecia, asci and ascospores (Bar = 60µm). Pictures: Lesions to which the sexual morph is associated (left), and close-up of stromata (right). Dotted arrows indicate that both ascospores and conidia can infect young leaves.
