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Histones induce CXCL10 production by CD14++ CD16+ monocytes.

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posted on 2015-12-08, 07:29 authored by Johannes Westman, Praveen Papareddy, Madelene W. Dahlgren, Bhavya Chakrakodi, Anna Norrby-Teglund, Emanuel Smeds, Adam Linder, Matthias Mörgelin, Bengt Johansson-Lindbom, Arne Egesten, Heiko Herwald

Human PBMCs was stimulated with CTHs (10 μg/ml), or PBS for 6h or 10h respectively, with Brefeldin A being present during the last 4h of stimulation. Cells were collected and analyzed for intracellular CXCL10. (A) Gating strategy used to identify indicated peripheral blood cellular subsets after exclusion of granulocytes based on high SSC signal (SSC-Ahigh). Cells with a CD16+CD14- phenotype were confirmed to be NK cells based on CD56 expression. (B) Percentage CXCL10+ cells within indicated subsets after 10h of CTH-stimulation. Background (PBS control) is subtracted. Data from three separate experiments are shown. (C and D) CXCL10 expression by CD14++ CD16+ monocytes after 6h and 10h stimulation with CTHs or PBS. Representative FACS plots (C) and pooled results, from three separate experiments showing CXCL10 expression in CTH-stimulated cultures relative to PBS control cultures for indicated time-points (D).
