Figure_6.tif (3.29 MB)

Hierarchical clustering of 26 cell lines and 267 ovarian carcinomas based on the expression of the 1141 morphological subtypes-associated genes (A) and the association with progression-free survival (B).

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posted on 2014-09-17, 02:53 authored by Corine M. Beaufort, Jean C. A. Helmijr, Anna M. Piskorz, Marlous Hoogstraat, Kirsten Ruigrok-Ritstier, Nicolle Besselink, Muhammed Murtaza, Wilfred F. J. van IJcken, Anouk A. J. Heine, Marcel Smid, Marco J. Koudijs, James D. Brenton, Els M. J. J. Berns, Jozien Helleman

The diseases and functions associated with gene clusters A-D are shown together with the p-value and the number of genes associated (#). Red colour high expression, Green colour low expression.
