Figure_3.tif (144.68 kB)

Heat map of the mean relative percentage of bacteria from a particular source (top row) at each sampling locations (left column).

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posted on 2014-03-06, 03:37 authored by Rachel I. Adams, Marzia Miletto, Steven E. Lindow, John W. Taylor, Thomas D. Bruns

A red shade indicates a great influence of a particular source at a particular site, and a blue shad a less influence. Soil and leaf bacterial communities are a greater influence on balcony samples than indoor rooms. Conversely, human-associated bacteria are a greater influence on indoor samples than outdoor samples. Due to uncertainty in the source tracking approach, in which each taxon could not be assigned to a particular source (soil, leaf, human, or otherwise), this heatmap shows the different relative contributions of identified sources to different rooms, not different sources for a given room. In other words, the data should be read as columns, not rows.
