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Generalized linear model to analyze the difference of FCCBS, subscale of FCCBS, and CRAS in different factors.

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posted on 2014-09-24, 03:30 authored by Peng-Ching Hsiao, Chi-Ming Chu, Pei-Yi Sung, Wann-Cherng Perng, Kwua-Yun Wang

*The P value≦0.05.

FCCBS: Family Caregiver Caring Behaviors scale; CRAS: Caregiver Reaction Assessment scale.

Adjusted variable: Sex, Marriage, Highest Educational Level, Social Economic Status, Rotary, Other (chronic) disease, Living with patient, Other care-needed person(s) in home, Spouse is the main caregiver, Duration of care, Daily hours of care.

Generalized linear model to analyze the difference of FCCBS, subscale of FCCBS, and CRAS in different factors.
