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Fold change of anti-GFAP-BDP antibody levels at Day 7–10 over day 0–1 among selected severe TBI subjects.

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posted on 2014-03-25, 04:28 authored by Zhiqun Zhang, J. Susie Zoltewicz, Stefania Mondello, Kimberly J. Newsom, Zhihui Yang, Boxuan Yang, Firas Kobeissy, Joy Guingab, Olena Glushakova, Steven Robicsek, Shelley Heaton, Andras Buki, Julia Hannay, Mark S. Gold, Richard Rubenstein, Xi-chun May Lu, Jitendra R. Dave, Kara Schmid, Frank Tortella, Claudia S. Robertson, Kevin K. W. Wang

The fold change was calculated as the ratio of 38 kDa band intensities at the later time (Day 7–10) divided by the initial time point (Day 0–1) per patient.
