Table_2.xls (5.5 kB)

Factor analysis loadings for the main factors (eigenvalues >1) extracted from the correlation matrix of concentrations of each type of plasma carotenoids within individual wild and captive Andean condors and wild American black vultures.

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posted on 2013-06-13, 02:17 authored by Guillermo Blanco, Dámaso Hornero-Méndez, Sergio A. Lambertucci, Luis M. Bautista, Guillermo Wiemeyer, José A. Sanchez-Zapata, Juan Garrido-Fernández, Fernando Hiraldo, José A. Donázar

Factor analysis loadings for the main factors (eigenvalues >1) extracted from the correlation matrix of concentrations of each type of plasma carotenoids within individual wild and captive Andean condors and wild American black vultures.
