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Extraction of PMN from the air-pouch.

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posted on 2015-02-12, 03:20 authored by Eva Burger, Ana Carolina S. C. Mendes, Giulia M. A. C. Bani, Maísa R. P. L. Brigagão, Gérsika B. Santos, Luiz Cosme C. Malaquias, Jorge Kleber Chavasco, Liana M. Verinaud, Zoilo P. de Camargo, Michael R. Hamblin, Felipe F. Sperandio

Absolute number of PMN at extraction time for both irradiated and non-irradiated mice of Pb and Zymosan (Zy) groups; p = 0.0001 (*) between non-irradiated and irradiated PMN of Pb groups; p = 0.0001 (*) between non-irradiated and irradiated PMN of Zy groups; p = 0.0001 (*) between PMN from non-irradiated Pb and Zy groups; p = 0.0399 (*) between PMN from irradiated Pb and Zy groups.
