Fig_5.tif (508.69 kB)

Expression of surface antigen (A) HLA-DR and (B) anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 by Ctrl-MoDC, PTEC-MoDC and PTEC-MoDC supplemented with blocking antibody for sHLA-G.

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posted on 2015-07-31, 04:48 authored by Sandeep Sampangi, Andrew J. Kassianos, Xiangju Wang, Kenneth W. Beagley, Travis Klein, Sadia Afrin, Helen Healy, Ray Wilkinson

The bar graph represents mean of three donors and the line graph represents individual donor experiments. Surface expression was measured by flow cytometry (gated on live, single cells) and reported as delta MFI (MFI test-MFI isotype control). Cytokine expression was determined using a flow cytometric bead array and presented as pg/mL
