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Expression of GPR120 in isolated human eosinophils.

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posted on 2015-03-19, 04:27 authored by Yasunori Konno, Shigeharu Ueki, Masahide Takeda, Yoshiki Kobayashi, Mami Tamaki, Yuki Moritoki, Hajime Oyamada, Masamichi Itoga, Hiroyuki Kayaba, Ayumi Omokawa, Makoto Hirokawa

(A) The gene expression profile in isolated human eosinophils and monocytes was studied using RT-PCR. The amplified products were separated on a 12.5% polyacrylamide gel, and the gel was subjected to silver staining. GPR120 mRNA (130 bp) is expressed in eosinophils. As a housekeeping gene, β-actin (189 bp) was used for the loading control. (B) Nonpermeabilized eosinophils were stained with anti-GPR120 antibody or isotype-matched control antibody (green), and then subjected to confocal microscopy with identical settings. To visualize nuclei, slides were stained with Hoechst 33342 (blue). The results are representative of two independent donors with similar results.
