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Experimental timeframe and analysis of human hepatocyte engraftment in HUHEP and HIS-HUHEP mice.

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posted on 2015-03-17, 05:03 authored by Helene Strick-Marchand, Mathilde Dusséaux, Sylvie Darche, Nicholas D. Huntington, Nicolas Legrand, Guillemette Masse-Ranson, Erwan Corcuff, James Ahodantin, Kees Weijer, Hergen Spits, Dina Kremsdorf, James P. Di Santo

(A) Time course of the experiment indicating the age of the mice at each step. Human albumin (hAlb) plasma levels were analyzed longitudinally in HUHEP (n = 4) (B) and HIS-HUHEP (n = 5) (C) mice. (D, E, F and G) Immunofluorescence analysis of HUHEP (left) and HIS-HUHEP (right) liver sections for anti-hAlb (red stain) co-stained with either (D) anti-E-Cadherin (green stain), or (E) anti-Occludin (green stain), or (F) anti-human Cyp2C9 (green stain), or (G) anti-human Cyp3A4 (green stain) expression. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar represents 100 microm.
