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Exonuclease activity of rLiEndoG.

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posted on 2014-02-26, 04:13 authored by Eva Rico, Cristina Oliva, Kilian Jesús Gutierrez, Juan Fernando Alzate, Carlos Mario Genes, David Moreno, Elena Casanova, Alba Gigante, María-Jesús Pérez-Pérez, María-José Camarasa, Joachim Clos, Federico Gago, Antonio Jiménez-Ruiz

500′-labeled with FAM were digested with rLiEndoG or DNase I. The amount of enzyme used for digestion is indicated. Digestion products were processed by both agarose gel (1%) and capillary electrophoresis. A) Agarose gel of the DNA fragments generated after 1 h of digestion with rLiEndoG or DNase I. B) Capillary electrophoresis of the DNA probe digested for 1 h with 0.1 µg of rLiEndoG. C) Capillary electrophoresis results obtained for the DNA probe digested for 1 hour with 0.01 units of DNase I. Digested DNA was heat-denatured prior to capillary electrophoresis. Fluorescence intensities (arbitrary units) of the single-stranded DNA fragments generated after digestion and denaturation are shown on the y axis. Sizes of the ssDNA fragments (in nucleotides) are shown on the x axis. Fragment sizes were analyzed with the Peak Scanner (Applied Biosystems) software. Accurate sizes can only be predicted for fragments longer than 50 nucleotides.
